‘We are An Inclusive Learning Community Committed to Excellence, Innovation and Opportunity’

Board of Management
Mr. Tony Brazil (Chairperson)
Mr. Plunkett Hayes
Cllr. Richard O’Donoghue
Mrs. Catherine Kennedy
Mrs. Oonagh Ruddle
Ms. Elaina Fitzgerald
Mr. David Fitzgerald
Mr. Pat Hayes
Ms. Moira Maher
Cllr. Michael Donegan
Mr. Gerard O’Sullivan, Principal. E-mail: principal@cco.ie
Minute Secretary:
Ms. Evelyn Canty, Deputy Principal
Coláiste Chiaráin is a co-educational secondary school operating under the patronage of Limerick and Clare Education and Training Board. www.lcetb.ie
News - School Updates
In addition to our school website, please follow our school updates and activities on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram
Contact Details
Coláiste Chiaráin
High Street, Croom, Co. Limerick
Tel: +00 353 61 397700
Email: admin@cco.ie
The contents of Coláiste Chiaráin's web pages are provided as an information guide only.