‘A friendly and caring environment which values the contribution of each student with their unique natural talents and gifts.’
Coláiste Chiaráin promotes an atmosphere of care, respect and inclusivity and encourages this continuously through the relationships we build in our school. We strive to foster a friendly and caring environment which values the unique natural talents and gifts of each of our students.
The pastoral care programme in our school is concerned with the personal, social and moral growth of the student and ranks in importance with the academic programme. We have a strong pastoral care system comprising of the following:
CLASS TEACHER: The Class teacher is an essential frontline support to link with students on a daily basis to mentor and guide while observing how the students are progressing academically and emotionally.
CLASS TUTOR: Each class has a Class Tutor who liaises with students on a daily basis to monitor progress and provide support.
DEAN: Each year group has a Year Dean with overall responsibility for the students in that year.
THE COUNSELLING TEAM: The Counselling Team provide support for students through personal counselling and referrals to relevant outside agencies where necessary.
THE GUIDANCE TEAM: Our Career Guidance Team deal with the development of our students and their capacity to understand, assess and make informed decisions about their education and career plans.
THE HOME-SCHOOL LIAISON: The Home-School Liaison acts as a support mechanism for parents and students. If there are issues regarding a student’s attendance or other issues falling outside the remit of the Year Head/Class Tutor structure or the Guidance Counselling Team, the Home-School Liaison will be able to offer advice or carry out home visits.
THE STUDENT SUPPORT TEAM: The Student Support Team is designed to specifically support and assist in any personal issues that a student may encounter. These issues may range from helping a student cope with particularly stressful situations to a student who may be considered at risk. This team is made up of teachers who have a wide range of expertise in these areas.
THE SCHOOL COMPLETION PROGRAMME COORDINATOR: The School Completion Programme Coordinator works as a support to the school with students towards ensuring the completion of Junior or Senior Cycle.

LEARNING SUPPORT TEAM: The Learning Support Team work specifically to support students who may be struggling to achieve their goals. We believe a good school is one which not only strives for high academic achievement but also cares particularly about each of its students achieving his/her individual potential. We encourage active rather than passive involvement in learning situations and we pride ourselves in supporting the all-round development of the child.
EVENING STUDY: Evening Study is open to all students and takes place Monday to Thursday from 4pm to 6pm.
HOMEWORK CLUB: Our school Homework Club is operational from Monday evening to Thursday and is coordinated by our School Completion Coordinator. This club offers a supported environment that fosters productive habits in relation to homework and study.
First Year Transition Programme
Subject Taster Programmes at Junior and Senior Cycle
Special Educational Needs / Additional Needs Team
Peer Mentoring – Student Mentors
Student Council
Book Rental Scheme
Breakfast Club
Lunch Club
Homework Club
Pastoral Care Team
Designated Liaison Person (Child Protection): Mr. Gerard O’ Sullivan
Deputy Designated Liaison Person (Child Protection): Ms. Evelyn Canty
SET Co-ordinator: Ms. Una Feehan
Guidance Counsellors: Mr. James Galvin, Ms. Moira Maher
Home School & Community Liaison: Ms. Fidelma Power
School Completion Programme Officer: Mr. John Kelly
Student Support Team
Coláiste Chiaráin is a co-educational secondary school operating under the patronage of Limerick and Clare Education and Training Board. www.lcetb.ie
News - School Updates
In addition to our school website, please follow our school updates and activities on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram
Contact Details
Coláiste Chiaráin
High Street, Croom, Co. Limerick
Tel: +00 353 61 397700
Email: admin@cco.ie
The contents of Coláiste Chiaráin's web pages are provided as an information guide only.