Enrolment Portal

Information dedicated to Form 1 students enrolling to Coláiste Chiaráin


Monday 20th January 2025 at 12:30pm

Amended closing date and time for receipt of CAS application forms.


Please Note extended dates for the CAS deadlines as detailed below arising from the weather related extended school closure in January.

Welcome  to our Enrolment Portal, dedicated to providing information for parents and student enrolling for the academic year beginning September 2025.

We will be hosting our Open Night


October 15th at 7:00p.m.

This Open Night will take place in our School Building, eircode: V35 XN29 

In addition to our Open Night we have compiled this portal to provide all prospective parents and students with information about our school. We hope this Portal gives you a flavour of our innovative and progressive school community. 

In this portal you will find curated content to provide students and parents with greater information on the many aspects of our school community and educational provision. 

Below you will find a  contact form. Should you have any queries or need any clarifications, please make contact with us.   

We are delighted to showcase our school and look forward to working with you and your son/daughter in the years ahead.

Mr. Gerard O’Sullivan, Principal

Leadership Team & Staff of Coláiste Chiaráin. 

Important Dates - CAS System (Amended Dates)

Monday 20th January 2025 at 12:30pm
Amended closing date and time for receipt of CAS application forms.

Tuesday 4th February
Participating schools to issue letter of offer.

Wednesday 12th February
Date by which offers are to be accepted/refused.

Tuesday 25th February
Common Registration Night – (Please note this date is unchanged)

State of the Art School Campus

Partner with us for 6 years of Opportunity and Academic Excellence

Located 15 mins from Limerick City, Extensive Transport Network

27 Leaving Certificate Subjects

30 Junior Cycle Subjects

Highly Qualified, innovative Teachers

Unrivalled Extra Curricular Opportunities

At Coláiste Chiaráin we offer an extensive range of Extra Curricular activities.  We aim to develop our students’ interests and skills through the offering of a wide variety of activities to cater for all of our student population. These extra and co- curricular activities provide an excellent opportunity for students to discover and nurture their talents and develop our students’ full potential outside the classroom, in parallel with their academic development. 

We offer a comprehensive range of Extra Curricular activities including:

Poetry Competitions • Culture Club • Scifest • BT Young Scientist Competition • Choir • Photography • Garda Youth Awards • Rotary Youth Awards • American Exchange • School Orchestra • Gaisce Awards • Art competitions • Student Council • Music Workshops • Annual School Musical • Foreign Tours • Student Exchange •Yearbook Committee • Ambassador School Award • Trad Group • Annual Sports Day • Green Schools •Young Innovators • Enterprise Awards • Table Quizzes  Equine Club • Chess Club • Fundraising

Annual School Musical

“A Million Dreams” Performed by the Coláiste Chiaráin Staff and Student Choir. 


Limerick 2 Limerick Annual American Exchange 


State of the Art 10,000 m2 Building & 22 acre Campus

Construction of our new state of the art building and campus began in Autumn 2018. Over the past few years we have watched this project rise from its foundations to the wonderful building that has now been realised.  Occupied since January 2021, the campus is fully equipped with the latest technology, catering for the most comprehensive offering of subjects, together with GAA, Soccer and Rugby pitches, in addition to hard surfaced courts for Basketball, Soccer and Tennis.

The campus incorporates over 60 teaching spaces including five Science Labs, practical rooms for Construction Studies, Engineering, Design and Communication Graphics, Home Economics and Art, a fully equipped library, multimedia studio and STEM lab, all of which facilitate the delivery of the widest-possible curriculum to our 800 students. The development of our full-size GAA, Rugby and Soccer pitches and six external court areas on the site, together with a full-sized PE Hall and fitness suite are enabling a diverse range of extra-curricular and sporting activities in the new school campus. In addition, the inclusion of a Special Education Needs Unit,  will ensure that the educational needs of the entire school community are being met.

If you are interested in the development of this project, please visit our construction diary.

Excellent Subject Choice

  • Irish, English, Mathematics, Science, History
  • Choice of 4 Languages
  • 3 Optional Subjects
  • 2 JC Short Courses
  • Wellbeing Programme – Physical Education, CSPE, SPHE, Wellness.

Uniquely, We Offer:

  • French
  • German
  • Spanish
  • Italian
  • Chinese (Short Course)

Option Subjects

Students select 3 subjects from the following

  • Geography
  • Wood Technology
  • Engineering
  • Home Economics
  • Business Studies
  • Graphics 
  • Art Craft and Design
  • Music

Junior Cycle Short Courses

Junior Cycle Students can study Short Courses from the list below. 

All Junior Cycle students will study a Short Course in STEM. (Science Technology Engineering & Maths)

  • STEM
  • Chinese Language & Culture
  • Digital Media Production
  • European Studies
  • Experimental Science
  • Coding
  • Innovation, Creativity & Entrepreneurship
  • Performing Arts

Leading on from our Junior Cycle we offer excellent subject Choice for Leaving Certificate subject offering. 

Click Here for more information on our Senior Cycle Subject Options


A Track Record in Curricular Innovation

  • All students study a STEM short course (STEM – Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths)
  • We have been teaching coding since 2002
  • We are the first school in Limerick offering Leaving Certificate Computer Science
  • Leaving Certificate Politics & Society (Since 2016)

Excellent Sporting Opportunities

Our Sporting programme at Coláiste Chiaráin offers a wide variety of sports to both our boys and girls. These include:

Hurling – U14, U151/2, U16 1/2 & U19
Camogie – 1st Year, Junior & Intermediate
Gaelic Football (boys) – 1st Year, 2nd Year, U16 1/2 & Senior
Gaelic Football (girls) – 1st Year, Junior & Senior
Soccer (boys) – U14, U15, U17 & U19
Soccer (girls) – Junior & Senior
Basketball (boys) – 1st Year, U17 & U19
Basketball (girls) – 1st Year, Junior & Senior
Rugby (boys) – 1st Year & Junior
Athletics – all age groups
The facilities provided for in our new campus are a huge addition to our sports programme with a full size GAA pitch, Soccer pitch and Rugby pitch on campus. These along with a fully equipped gym, indoor Sports Hall and outdoor ball courts for Basketball and Soccer have enhanced all of our training regimes. We look forward to continued success in all our sporting activities.

Leaders in ICT & STEM Education

Coláiste Chiaráin has long been an innovator in the use of technology in teaching and learning. Recent events have proven the importance of technology as a vital tool for today’s students. At Coláiste Chiaráin we foster the use of technology where appropriate by providing the infrastructure and training for students to use a wide variety of hardware and software platforms.

On entering the school every student is given an account on G Suite educational platform.  On Google Classroom teachers set assignments and share resources. Using Google Drive, students can create and share amazing projects both online and offline. Our aim is to develop students who can adapt to the ever changing developments in the area of technology to ensure they are equipped for success. Our new campus has been designed to ensure the seamless use of technology. This is reflected in our curricular offering where we have led the way in offering Coding at junior cycle and Computer Science at Leaving Certificate along with a STEM short course for all of our students at Junior Cycle. We are passionate about technology and committed to the useful and appropriate integration of ICT to support quality teaching and learning. 

Coláiste Chiaráin achieved great success at the BT Young Scientist and Technology competition 2024, achieving the distinction of Best School Republic of Ireland 2024 and overall winner of the BT Young Scientist & Technologist of the Year 2024.
The winner of the 60th BT Young Scientist & Technology Exhibition was Seán O’Sullivan, aged 17, and 5th year student from Coláiste Chiaráin.
In 2024 seven of our students represented our school at BTYSTE with a total of 6 projects. We were fortunate to have achieved a total of six awards this year and are incredibly proud of all of our students who competed.
Seán O’Sullivan:
Project Title: Verify Me, A New Approach to Authorship Attribution in a Post Chat GPT era
● BT Young Scientist & Technologist of the Year 2024
● Atlantic Technology University special award for best technology project
Aiden Osccar and Taha Njie:
Project Title: PORTANOS, Affordable Heart Health – Building a Low Cost heart Monitor using AD8232 AI based ECG analysis
● First Place Senior Technology Group Award
● Analog devices gold partner award
Miles Bueno:
Project Title: Teaching AI to Recognise Bacterial Cultures.
● Highly commended Intermediate technology
● Display award.

Student Wellbeing

Supporting Student Wellbeing


Our student supports are to the forefront of everything we do in Coláiste Chiaráin. Every day, your son or daughter will benefit from some or many of these supports. Students will meet their class tutor each morning for roll call and general pastoral care while the Dean / Year Head will look after the entire year group in terms of tracking their academic performance and looking after discipline issues.

We have 2 Guidance counsellors available for our students along with a Home School Liaison Officer to liaise with you the parents, a School Completion officer and a student support team made up of 12 staff members. We have a fantastic Special Educational Needs and Learning Support team in Coláiste Chiaráin who will be happy to work with you the parent in providing the very best opportunities for your child’s specific needs. Students in 1st Year can also benefit from Peer Mentoring where they are assigned a buddy from Transition Year to help and guide them through the initial transition from Primary school.

 In addition to the many school supports for our students. As part of junior Cycle all students follow a comprehensive wellbeing curriculm. Through the Wellbeing programme students will be learning the knowledge, attitudes and skills to enable them to protect and promote their own wellbeing and that of others. 

Student wellbeing is supported through all of our subjects and by all of our teachers. Core concepts of the wellbeing curriculum are delivered through the subjects PE, SPHE, CSPE and Wellbeing.  For More information on the Junior Cycle Wellbeing Curriculum – Click Here. 

It is our aim to nurture a school environment that is safe and welcoming. We pride ourselves in having a positive school environment in which students can achieve and succeed both inside and outside of the formal classroom. 


What our Past Pupils have to say..

Frequently Asked Questions


For your convenience we have compiled a number of Frequently asked questions below.

CAS Deadlines
What is the Limerick Area-Post Primary Schools Common Application System?
The Limerick Area Post-Primary Schools Common Application System is the process by which the transfer of 6th class primary school students to the participating post-primary schools is managed.
Which Post-Primary Schools participate in the system?
Coláiste Chiaráin is one of 17 participant post-primary schools in this system.
How do I make an application for 1st year student enrolment to Coláiste Chiaráin?
In order to make an application to Coláiste Chiaráin, you must complete the Limerick Area Post-Primary Schools Common Application Form. The form will be available to download from this portal from October 1st 2024 or by contacting the school office (061- 397700, admin@cco.ie). Application forms are also available from all of our feeder primary schools.
When do I need to apply?
Applications to the Common Application System need to be received before Monday 20th January 2025 at 12:30pm
When will I know if I have been offered a place in Coláiste Chiaráin?
 Successful applicants will be notified of offers on Tuesday 4th February
Participating schools to issue letter of offer.
How do I accept my place?
 Successful applicants to the First Year Group must confirm their acceptance of an offer of admission by completing and returning the Acceptance Form on or before Wednesday 12th February
Date by which offers are to be accepted/refused.

What are my travel options for Coláiste Chiaráin?

Coláiste Chiaráin is serviced by the Bus Eireann School Bus network which serves a wide catchment area that extends from the Limerick City / Raheen / Dooradoyle areas as far as Ballyneety, Bruff and Ballingarry and all areas in between.

For all bus related queried pleas contact BusEireann Schools Transport Section. www.buseireann.ie, Telephone: 0818 919910
If I live nearby, can I walk or cycle to school?
 Yes ! Our new campus road-network includes cycle lanes and walkways to accommodate access for our local students. Bike racks are also available to ensure the security of your bike during the day.
Evening Study
What are my options for After-School Study?
Evening Study is open to all students and takes place Monday to Thursday from 4pm – 6pm (nominal fee applies) and Friday 1:30pm – 3-30pm. A Homework Club is also run as part of our  School Completion programme – 4pm – 5pm Monday to Thursday.
Canteen Facilities
What are my options for lunch?
While you are welcome to bring your own packed lunch from home, the school canteen offers fantastic deals for our students. For €1 per day, you can avail of a breakfast which includes cereal, toast, juice and tea or coffee plus a hot lunch such as chicken curry, lasagne, pasta bolognese, pasta and cheese or pasta with meatballs served with water and a piece of fruit. We use a cashless system so each student has a fob which they can top up online at home or in school and scan in the canteen as they choose their lunch. 
After School Sports Programme
What happens after school?
Our extensive after school sports programme takes place directly after school Monday to Friday. A timetable of extra curricular activities is produced at the beginning of each year to allow our students to participate in as many sports or ECAs as they wish.

Contact Us

Email: admin@cco.ie
Telephone: 00 353 61 397700

13 + 9 =

Coláiste Chiaráin is a co-educational secondary school operating under the patronage of Limerick and Clare Education and Training Board. www.lcetb.ie

News - School Updates

In addition to our school website, please follow our school updates and activities on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram

Contact Details

Coláiste Chiaráin

High Street, Croom, Co. Limerick

Tel: +00 353 61 397700

Email: admin@cco.ie


The contents of Coláiste Chiaráin's web pages are provided as an information guide only. 

While every effort is made in preparing material for publication, no responsibility is accepted by or on behalf of Coláiste Chiaráin for any errors, omissions or misleading statements on these pages or any site to which these pages connect.

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