Pre Examination Timetables

Pre Examination Timetables

Pre Leaving Certificate Timetable Click on the Image above or HERE for PDF of Leaving Certificate Pre-Examination Timetable Pre Junior Certificate Timetable Click on the Image above or HERE for PDF of Leaving Certificate Pre-Examination Timetable Latest CCO Blog...
Build a Bank

Build a Bank

Form 4 Students – Build a Bank Transition Year pupils (Holly Lowe, Niall O’Donovan, Ruth Daly, Becky Daly) working with Ms. Patsy Prenderville of AIB, Adare today. The TY students will be launching their bank aptly named “Build A Bridge Bank”...
Options after Leaving Certificate

Options after Leaving Certificate

Information Evening – Options after Leaving Certificate Coláiste Chiaráin, together with Rathkeale and District Credit Union are hosting a FREE information evening for parents & students on the Options After Leaving Cert Date: Thursday January 16th 2020,...
Beauty and the Beast – Tickets

Beauty and the Beast – Tickets

Beauty and the Beast The cast of our 2020 musical production of Disney’s “Beauty and the Beast” have been hard at work over the Christmas break.  Tickets will go on sale on Tuesday in school. Please contact the main office directly should you have any questions. ....

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