Junior Cycle Results 2022

October 19th, 2022

Dear Parent/Guardian,

I trust that you are well.
Below you will see correspondence just received by the school on Tuesday 18th October.

Full detail is below, but the key point in the communication is  that  the State Examinations Commission (SEC) is today announcing its intention to issue the 2022 Junior Cycle examination results to schools and candidates on Wednesday 23 November 2022

Kind regards

Gerard O’Sullivan

———- Forwarded message ———
Communication from the State Examinations Commission

Dear Principal, 

The State Examinations Commission (SEC) is today announcing its intention to issue the 2022 Junior Cycle examination results to schools and candidates on Wednesday 23 November 2022.  We hope that the provision of this date will provide certainty to candidates, parents/guardians and school authorities as to when they can expect to receive their results.  

See below, a copy of the Press Release which has issued this morning which provides further details including details of the factors behind the timing of the results date this year. 

The marking of examinations, which is ongoing in a small number of subjects,  will be completed over the coming weeks and this year’s Junior Cycle results will be available in schools on Wednesday 23 November 2022. Candidates can also access their results online from 4pm on that date noting that the online service is not intended to replace the valuable results service and advice provided to students by schools at results issue time. Access to the service via www.examinations.ie requires the use of the candidate’s examination number and a unique Personal Identification Number (PIN). 

The SEC appreciates that candidates and their parents/guardians may be disappointed that these results are issuing later than normal.  This has arisen due to a combination of factors which include a later issue date for the Leaving Certificate results and, most especially, the impact of a shortage of teachers to mark the examinations over the summer marking period.  In collaboration with all of the stakeholders in the system, the SEC made significant efforts to recruit examiners for the 2022 examinations.  The EARN, LEARN, UNDERSTAND recruitment campaign will continue for 2023 highlighting the many professional and financial benefits for teachers of marking the state examinations. In advance of the 2023 examinations, the SEC will be reviewing with all of the stakeholders how best to ensure the availability of teachers in the required numbers to complete this important examination work.   

Further details of the arrangements for the issue of results, including confirmation of examination numbers and PINs,  will be provided in due course.   

Yours sincerely

Richard Dolan 

Director of Operations

State Examinations Commission 

Coláiste Chiaráin is a co-educational secondary school operating under the patronage of Limerick and Clare Education and Training Board. www.lcetb.ie

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Tel: +00 353 61 397700

Email: admin@cco.ie


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