Go Flyers!

Go Flyers!

Limerick to Limerick American Exchange Go Flyers! Friday, Nov 24 Today we went to the Philidelphia Flyers vs the New York rangers ice hockey game at the Wells Fargo centre in Philadelphia. It was quite a late start with the bus leaving at 11 am and the game starting...
Central Park

Central Park

Limerick to Limerick American Exchange Central Park Tuesday Nov 21st   Today we checked in our bags from the hotel at 10:45 am and went ice skating in Central Park for an hour. It was full of laughter, showing off and especially, falling. After that, we took the...
Statue of Liberty

Statue of Liberty

Limerick to Limerick American Exchange Statue of Liberty Monday Nov. 20th  We woke up and got breakfast near the hotel. We got the Big Red Bus to get a boat to the Statue of Liberty. The weather was great  We went to Ellis Island too and had a pretty long wait to get...


Limerick to Limerick American Exchange NYC Sunday Nov 19th We left Springford at 8am and arrived at the Belvedere Hotel at around 11am, we dropped our bags off and then walked to M&M World. We walked to Bryant Park and we got to go to a little market and it had an...


Limerick to Limerick American Exchange Lancaster Saturday Nov 18th Today we got to lie-in a bit more and didn’t have to show up to school until 8:15am as we were going to Lancaster. We took a bus from the school and went to Shady Maple. It’s an all you can eat buffet....

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