Northern Trust Partnership

Northern Trust Partnership

Nothern Trust partnership Coláiste Chiaráin and Northern Trust to partner in exciting Student Mentoring Programme with Business in the Community Ireland Business in the Community Ireland is delighted to announce that Coláiste Chiaráin are engaging in a new mentoring...
Candy Cane Company

Candy Cane Company

Candy Cane Company TY Fundraiser in aid of Milford Hospice TY December update  – TY students are currently selling candy canes everyday at lunchtime as one of their many charity fundraisers that take place throughout the school year. The ‘Candy Cane Company’ has...
Looking to the stars with our New Telescope

Looking to the stars with our New Telescope

Telescope Win Celestron telescope Win.. Colaiste Chiarain students are looking to the sky! Space has proved an intriguing topic for our STEM students. Blackrock Castle Observatory in Cork have been running a number of events over recent months to promote Space...

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