Graduation 2022
Our Leaving Cert Graduation Ceremony took place on May 26th. 115 students graduated from the Leaving Cert Class of 2022. Our wonderful ceremony took place in the Sports Hall. Huge thank you to Ms. Karyn Bowles, Ms. Fidelma Power, Mr. Fergal Moore and Ms. Sarah...

Form 1 Trip To Knockfierna
The 1st Years took advantage of the lovely weather to spend time catching up outside of the classroom with the rest of their yeargroup. Great fun was had by all as they took on the challenge of climbing Knockfierna as a group, accompanied by their Dean Ms. Finucane...

Lee Reeves – CCO Boxing Awards
On Wednesday 25th of May, Coláiste Chiaráin welcomed the newly crowned NABF (North American Boxing Federation) Lightweight Boxing Champion, Lee Reeves, to award IABA (Irish Athletic Boxing Association) Startbox certificates to students. The IABA Startbox Initiative...

Rescue 115 Visits CCO
On Monday May 23rd we were delighted to be visited by the Coast Guard Helicopter, Rescue 115. Phillip Wrenn and the rest of the crew came and showed our Fourth Year students the helicopter and also gave a presentation on water safety! We were also joined by the Senior...

Equine Therapy at Liskennett
On January 28th our Leaning Hub students Erin, Kasper, Daniel, Henry, Saoirse and Megan had a fantastic day out at Liskennett Farm where they got to experience the St. Joseph's Foundation 'Horse Boy Equestrian Therapy Hub'. Ably assisted and led by 4 of our school...

BT Young Scientist and Technology Category win and Special award for Coláiste Chiaáin Students BT Young Scientist and Technology Category win and Special award for Coláiste Chiaáin Students. Two second year students from Coláiste Chiaráin, Croom have won the...

Navy Visit to Coláiste Chiaráin.
The Guidance Department at Coláiste Chiaráin were delighted to welcome PO Kara Foley and LS Dylan Cullinane to our campus on Wednesday, January 18th, to speak with our senior students on a career with the Naval Service. The presentation afforded students the...

Future Forest – Trees for the future
Tree PlantingFollowing on from the school's orchard initiative which saw the planting of 50 fruit trees. The week before christmas saw the planting of a double row screening hedge around the water station at the far corner of the school. The screening hedge is...

Communication to Parents – January 2022
Communication for parents/guardians/students in relation to COVID-19 measures - Reopening January 2022.Dear Parent/Guardian I hope you had a nice Christmas break and may I take this opportunity to wish you and your family a very happy new year in 2022. I hope that you...

Weather Update – CLOSURE Wednesday December 8th
School closure Dec 8th Dear Parents/Guardians, Following updated DES advice Colaiste Chiarain will remain closed tomorrow Wednesday December 8th. DES statement below. Stay Safe, Mr. O'Sullivan (Update Posted: Tuesday December 7th 18:00) The Department is advising...
Christmas Comes to CCO
Think Languages
Student Council
Orchard Initiative
Careers Day Seminar for College Awareness Week
Mental health Fundraiser for Pieta House
Sport is back !!
Form 1 Students Welcome & gift pack
LC 2021 Results Information
LC 2021 Accredited Grades Quality Assurance
Welcome to the Graduating Class of 2027
Return to school dates
Young Economist of the Year – Gold Medal
February 2021 – Our Finished Project
Coláiste Chiaráin is a co-educational secondary school operating under the patronage of Limerick and Clare Education and Training Board. www.lcetb.ie
News - School Updates
In addition to our school website, please follow our school updates and activities on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram
Contact Details
Coláiste Chiaráin
High Street, Croom, Co. Limerick
Tel: +00 353 61 397700
Email: admin@cco.ie
The contents of Coláiste Chiaráin's web pages are provided as an information guide only.