Coláiste Chiaráin celebrates College Awareness Week 2021!

College Awareness Week aims to inspire and inform all students in Ireland about the importance of having a post-secondary education plan. It advocates for students to have the choice to pursue the course best suited to their interests, abilities, and dreams, whether that is a PLC qualification, an apprenticeship or a university degree.

Coláiste Chiaráin celebrated College Awareness Week by holding a series of events throughout the week, including a live webinar on careers in Sports and Sport Scholarships, an online talk on careers in Counselling & Psychotherapy, subject specific career information sessions facilitated by teaching staff and the inaugural on campus Careers Fair for our 5th and 6th year students.  Ms. Maher, Guidance Counsellor, who facilitated the event, was delighted to welcome representatives from a wide range of third level institutions including TUS (formerly LIT), UL, NCEF, Munster Technological University, Shannon College of Hotel Management, NUI Galway and Croom College of Further Education to Coláiste Chiaráin’s new state of the art campus. 


The opportunity to interact face-face with representatives from the aforementioned colleges was met with huge enthusiasm by all the students and created a fantastic buzz around the school.  Due to the ongoing impact of Covid 19, a number of scheduled presentations moved online, but were no less effective in prompting conversations among students around their future progression. We were delighted to be joined online by Lt. Jack Feeny of Sarsfield Barracks to speak about careers in the Defence Forces, by Patrick Cosgrove of Mary Immaculate College, Cliona Sheehy of Setanta College and by Dr. Irene Cassidy, Department of Nursing and Midwifery, UL.  Ms. Maher, Guidance Counsellor,  was delighted with the positive feedback from students, parents, teachers and the Third Level representatives present on the day and is already looking forward to College Awareness week 2022!

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