Limerick to Limerick American Exchange

Cratloe, Bunratty & More

Day 2 saw the group meeting up at Cratloe Woods out in Clare @ 10am.  We hiked through the Woods for 2 hours. Thankfully it stayed dry and everyone really enjoyed getting out into the fresh air and stretching their legs.  After Cratloe we headed for Bunratty for lunch  in Joe & Jilly’s cafe followed by a spot of shopping  in the fabulous ‘Meadows & Byrnes’ before heading over to Bunratty Castle and Folk Park.  Aoife O’Connell had  given us an introduction to the Castle earlier in the morning and this was elaborated on by a fantastic guided tour of the Castle. The origins, demise and subsequent refurbishment of the Castle were explained in detail. The dungeon, murder holes and magnificent rooftop views were just some of the highlights enjoyed by the students before we set out for the Folk Park.

The Folk Park is  a  selection of buildings  in a large parkland showcasing both urban and rural Ireland in the 19th century. Exact replicas of public houses, a post office, doctor’s surgery and school are open to  visitors. Various types of domestic dwellings can also be seen showcasing how people from different socio-economic backgrounds lived on a day to day basis. It is an utterly unique experience that never fails to delight those who visit.  All of the houses are fully furnished in accordance with the standards of the time down to the table settings and soft furnishings in the bedrooms -if any- thus offering a really in depth and accurate insight into life before electricity, running water and indoor plumbing.
The Park also has many four legged residents and the students enjoyed seeing the pigs, donkeys, sheep and poultry in their natural environment. 
Students started drifting off from 5.30 onwards as parents arrived to collect them. Various get togethers were organised for the evening including the teachers!  At this stage of the Exchange it really is just such a pleasure  to reunite and spend time  with what feels like old friends.
Tomorrow we are excited to showcase our beautiful new school building, enjoy the Welcome Breakfast and introduce the students to education in Ireland. 
Slan agus beannacht libh. 


Coláiste Chiaráin is a co-educational secondary school operating under the patronage of Limerick and Clare Education and Training Board.

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Coláiste Chiaráin

High Street, Croom, Co. Limerick

Tel: +00 353 61 397700



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