Limerick to Limerick Exchange – Day 1 – Travel Day
This years Exchange started with an early wake up call for all.
All students and teachers met at 3:00 am, boarded the bus, said their goodbyes, and this years exchange started. An excited hum of chatter on the bus quickly quietened as the students fell back to sleep awaiting a busy two weeks ahead. Dublim Airport, saw the usual, beg drop, security, immigration and then we were on our way.. Great flight, many movies watched, airplane food all round. Arriving in Philadelphia International Airport saw excitement levels grow among our students. After navigating baggage reclaim there was a huge welome as we were met by our exchange students and teachers. Yellow Bus to Springford Area High School where we were welcomed by the School Principal after which our studnets departed with their exchange partners to meet host families in person.. A busy Day 1 down..
Getting an American Yellow School Bus from the Airport was an interesting highlight today…

L2L Exchange
Coláiste Chiaráin is a co-educational secondary school operating under the patronage of Limerick and Clare Education and Training Board.
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Coláiste Chiaráin
High Street, Croom, Co. Limerick
Tel: +00 353 61 397700
The contents of Coláiste Chiaráin's web pages are provided as an information guide only.