Every School Day counts

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Coláiste Chiaráin in association with TUSLA are delighted to partake in an Attendance Awareness Campaign that will run for the month of November 2019 and for subsequent years. . This will also mark the introduction of TESS (Tusla Education Support Services) which incorporates the Home School Community Liaison Scheme, The School Completion Programme and the Educational Welfare Service. 

This initiative has at its core the simple message that every school day counts and has the objective of increasing student attendance rates nationally. 

 In Coláiste Chiaráin our Attendance Drive begins  Tuesday 5th of November 2019.  As an added incentive, all students who present with perfect attendance for the next 20 school days will be entered into a school draw at the end of this initiative. 


Every School Day Counts

This national initiative has a core objective of increasing student attendance at school emphasizing the simple message that “Every School Day Counts”. 

Key Message for Students


Excellent attendance at school is important to allow you to fulfil your potential and make your contribution to society.

Below are just some of the key reasons why it is so important to attend school:


  • To Learn
  • To Develop Social Skills.
  • To become more independent.
  • To make new friends and spend time with my friends.
  • To learn how to get on with my peers and significant adults in my life.
  • To feel part of my Community and develop a sense of belonging.
  • To develop awareness of other cultures, religion, ethnicity and gender differences.
  • To learn to think independently and have my own viewpoint.
  • To gain qualifications & access to College and Jobs.
  • To develop new
  • To build confidence and self-esteem.
  • To have the best possible start in life.
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If you would like further support or advice in relation to your childs attendance, please feel free to contact one of our team; details below.

Home School & Community Liaison: Ms. Betty Morrissey – bmorrissey@cco.ie, School Completion Programme Officer: Mr. John Kelly – jkelly@cco.ie

Principal: Mr. Gerard O’ Sullivan – principal@cco.ie, Deputy Principal: Ms. Evelyn Canty – ecanty@cco.ie, Deputy Principal: Mr. James O’Shaughnessy – joshaughnessy@cco.ie

Coláiste Chiaráin is a co-educational secondary school operating under the patronage of Limerick and Clare Education and Training Board. www.lcetb.ie

News - School Updates

In addition to our school website, please follow our school updates and activities on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram

Contact Details

Coláiste Chiaráin

High Street, Croom, Co. Limerick

Tel: +00 353 61 397700

Email: admin@cco.ie


The contents of Coláiste Chiaráin's web pages are provided as an information guide only. 

While every effort is made in preparing material for publication, no responsibility is accepted by or on behalf of Coláiste Chiaráin for any errors, omissions or misleading statements on these pages or any site to which these pages connect.

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